spiritual light

hye boyfriend girlfriend skalian.jeng jeng jeng.ngee.hah!kali ni aku nk kongsi pasal photography plak.amacam?ade org x yg same kpale ngn aku?hehe.actually aku mmg suke sgt2 bnde2 mcm nih.

tau?xyah tau pon.snap+great cmposition+editting..xsah klu xedit kt photoshop.kan?aku tau,mmg rmi giler photographer2 yg pro kt dunia nih.mmg berlambak la klu nk cerita.p bnda tu xpnting snanye.haa..so skrg ni cmna nk jd cm diorg.pikir2.wah2,lame lg nk jd pro.so,penuhilah ilmu di dada yek!

ade sorg karyawan nih.aku mmg respect gak ar ngn dia.sampai aku xpenah mis pon lawat dia pnye blog n mcm2 la.haha.nih aku kasi korg tgk gmba2 yg di ambik oleh dier.klik sini.klu aku nk upload cnfirm lame weh.

kt umh ni mmg dh ade dslr senanye.sape yg same ngn aku gune Canon 1000d?.hah,sbut je 1000d.msti kne pndg rendah pnyer,hak2.itu pndgn aku la.sbb model ni khas utk beginner.(xla khas senanye,pndai2 aku je)sah la jari tu tunjuk kt aku.aku pon br gak berjinak2 lm dunia photography nih.ntahla.dh jd hobi aku num 2 pas calligraphy.hehe.entri akn dtg,aku ceter pasal calligraphy nk?haha.adoi.

huh.lamenye lagi perjalanan hdup kte kan?hmm..klu dipikirla kan,kte ni akn dpt x ape yg dihajat?kdg2 dpt,kdg x.kdg2 idop mmg xaci kn?sape stju?agkt tgn meh!ok2.balik pd tjuk.

ei,antara kalian kan,sape korg yg mmg prola dlm editting nih?.aku mmg nk sgt blaja lg.ilmu yg ada skrg msih xckup weh.huh.byk giler la aku xtau.whoa.ritu tgk diorg snapping kat tepi pntai,giler syok.tp xcun tol la msa tuh,aku xbwk dlsr.klu x,mmg dpt snap punyer.lastly,aku nk kongsi kt korg nih.

"Light is something close to the life of a photographer. They were amazed of the beauty that can produced by the light. But I found, one type of light a much more fascinating, namely the spiritual light. There is something in Islam that can produce beauty and light." - Peter Sanders

haa.amcm?klu korg photographer,korg akan rse kepuasan nya.LOL.tu je la kot.tata!

p/s sah aku xde idea nk post.haha.saje nk kongsi ngn korg.jgn mara ea.thx!


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