forgive me

I’m about to lose the battle and cross the line
I’m about to make another mistake
And even though I try to stay away
Everything around me keeps dragging me in
I can’t help thinking to myself
What if my time would end today, today, today?
Can I guarantee that I will get another chance
Before it’s too late, too late, too late

Forgive me
My heart is so full of regret
Forgive me
Now is the right time for me to repent, repent, repent

Am I out of my mind?
What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad!
And every time I try to start all over again
My shame comes back to haunt me
I’m trying hard to walk away
But temptation is surrounding me, surrounding me
I wish that I could find the strength to change my life
Before it’s too late, too late, too late

I know O Allah You’re the Most-Forgiving
And that You’ve promised to
Always be there when I call upon You
So now I’m standing here
Ashamed of all the mistakes I’ve committed
Please don’t turn me away
And hear my prayer when I ask You to

 by Maher Zain

Assalamualaikum...! keifahalukum? hmm..btw,ni post yg ke 2 utk thun ni..mcm lwk je bila dgr..sbbnya,entahla..aku rasa blog ni mcm xdpt smbutan..sbb ape?aku malula nak promote2 nih..haha!...dh mnyimpang plak kte,dah baca lirik lagu Maher Zain kt ats kan..?waa..ape pndpt korang?..kesali x perbuatan dan tindak tanduk korang selama menumpang kt dunia smentara ni?hee..prigtn buat aku jgk..mari kta mnta maaf pdanya..sygkan DIa..moga kita lebih mndekatkan diri kpd yg maha Esa k.! :) 

p/s aku xtau nak ckp ape! :P


Dgn Nama Allah Yg Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihi...selawat dan salam keatas Nabi junjungan Muhammad s.a.w..sepi seketika,sekian lama xmengupdate blog ni..ngeh3..rasanya setahun aku menyepi..menyepi tanpa idea dan pngisian yg terbaik utk aku kongsikan disini...aku pun xtau knp..mungkin aku jarang memberi santapan pada pngetahuan aku melalui pembacaan ilmiah...kali ini aku hadir kembali,dr semasa ke semasa insyaallah selagi terdaya tanpa kekangan masa yg menghimpit,aku akan update k!..cuma doakan perjalanan dan segala urusan keberangkatan ke mesir lepas raya nnti berjalan lancar ye wahai pembaca sekalian..syukran jazilan..sirru ala barakatillah.. :)